The EduPARK is a research and development project, beginning in June 2016, whose educational laboratory is a landscaped space of great aesthetic, biological, scenic and historical value – The Infante D. Pedro Park.
The project’s main challenge is to create original, attractive and effective strategies for interdisciplinary learning in Natural Sciences, Physics-Chemistry, Mathematics, History, among others, through the creation of a mobile interactive Augmented Reality (AR) application, using mobile devices, to support geocaching activities to be explored by teachers and students from basic to higher education in outdoor environments, but also with potential use in the tourism sector/ general public.
The main expectation is that combining technology familiar to students with outdoor learning strategies, will allow learning to move beyond traditional classroom environments to outdoor spaces that students can physically explore and simultaneously make connections with curricular content and the peers they share them with.
Furthermore, it is expected that the project unveils best practices in education by valuing digital and social interactions, using innovative technology in outdoor environments and mixing real and virtual worlds. It may also provide new challenges, open horizons and opportunities for Science Education, not only in Portugal but also abroad, providing theoretical and practical frameworks that can be useful in other natural environments.